Join a guided walk in Kings Park and find out about the heritage of our wonderful park!

The Lotterywest Boorloo Heritage Festival takes place in April each year and celebrates Perth’s natural, built and cultural heritage. This year there are over 100 events being held, including four specially curated walks with Kings Park Guides, exploring aspects of the park’s heritage.

Discover fascinating tales of our military history in ‘Australia’s Participation in the War Years’. Kings Park plays a ceremonial role in the lives of Western Australians because of the high concentration of war memorials in the park. Take a walk with a Kings Park Guide among some of these memorials and discover aspects of Australian participation in conflicts around the world. More information and booking here.

In ‘A Walk Through Time – the History of WA’  find out how the park has been used over centuries of history. Hear stories of the park and its people, from the heritage of the Noongar people through the early years of settlement, to the creation of a park in the wilderness. Learn about the ceremonial role of the park and some of the memorials that provide focus for remembrance of lives lost in conflict. This walk celebrates the living history of the park – past and present. More information and booking here.

Discover Kings Park, its geography and its connection and importance to people from the past to modern times in ‘Bush tucker, Roasted Swans and Barrels of Beer’. Travel through stories of the park and the river. Enjoy the wonderful views of the Swan River, “a sight never to be forgotten”, as we journey through our history – the geographical features and Aboriginal connections. Learn about the early European explorers and settlers. The foot of the scarp was the industrial heart of early Perth and of course, beer brewing was essential! The walk showcases the views from Mount Eliza over the Swan Canning Riverpark and recognises the importance of Kings Park from past times to today. More information and booking here.

Join our talented Kings Park Volunteer Guides on a walk with ‘A Scoundrel, A Statesman and Edith’ as they take on the personas of three colourful characters who were instrumental in shaping Western Australia during the mid 1800s to 1900s. Immerse yourself in this fascinating period of history – guaranteed to keep you entertained as well as informed! More information and booking here.

Book one of our festival walks now on Eventbrite and join us to celebrate the heritage of Kings Park!

Why not follow Kings Park Guides on Eventbrite to hear about future tours in the park and see our Visitor Information and Guided Walks pages for other information about Kings Park Guides.